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via – Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | UK News :: Sleep-talker becomes internet sensation.

A woman who records her sleep-talking husband’s ramblings has sparked an internet sensation

Friday January 15,2010

By Padraic Flanagan

A WOMAN who records her sleep-talking husband’s bizarre ramblings has sparked an internet comedy sensation.

He utters surreal remarks about everything from sex and underwear to musings on vampire penguins and zombie guinea pigs.

In her “Sleep Talkin’ Man” blog, Karen Slavick-Lennard records how her mild-mannered husband Adam “lives a colourful existence in his dreams.” After hours of delight at his nightly stream of unconsciousness, Karen decided to start taping his pillow-speak to share with the world.

The couple, both 36 and from Richmond in south-west London, have been overwhelmed by the success of the blog while Karen’s Twitter account has become a massive global hit. In the last five days alone more than half-a-million people from over 50 countries have read the blog.

The couple have now printed some of Adam’s pithy gems on bags and T-shirts which are sold online. One slogan proving popular is: “I haven’t put on weight. Your eyes are fat.”

On Tuesday night this week, fast-asleep Adam muttered: “Pork chops are most satisfying. Mmmmm! Dangle them from the ceiling.” Strange that, because Adam, an advertising account director, has never eaten pork chops. At 5am on Monday he woke Karen up with: “Your mum’s at the door again. Bury me. Bury me deep.”

His other efforts this week included: “Shhhh! Shhhh! I’m telling you. Your voice, my ears. A bad combination,” And: “You’re pretty. Pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty.” [Long pause] “Now —- off and be pretty somewhere else. I’m bored.”

Previous gems included: “Vampire penguins? Zombie guinea pigs? We’re done for.” And: “Since when did my underwear look good on you? Take it off. Take it off your face.”

Among the top 10 musings are: “Let me hold you in my arms. Feel me squeeze the living breath out of your body. Bliss! Lovely!”, and, “I can’t believe in God when I’m this good!” Others include: “I don’t want to die! I love sex.” And: “My vision of hell is a lentil casserole.”

Karen said yesterday: “I find every single thing Adam says hilarious. I just cannot believe what he comes out with and neither can he when he listens to the tapes. We laugh like crazy every morning.”


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Wow! My daughter and I LOVE this! Many more pics coming tonight!

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