You can’t without a “Break”

Posted: January 20, 2010 in Business, Cbus, Central Ohio, Columbus, Entrepreneur, Inspiration, Ohio
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No matter what you do to succeed, there will always be people who will find things in your life and tell you that is why you did, and it is a break they don’t have, so that is why they can’t.

I am blessed that I had a few people in my life want to help me, and have, but if they didn’t, I tell you, I STILL would dig out of my financial crisis.

I have only ONE SAVIOR, and it is HIM who lead me to people, or them to me, that wanted to help me when I was down and out. I am grateful they were there. It made it easier, but help from friends and family is not the only way to get out of financial crisis. The principles of investing and believing anything is possible applies and works with ANY situation.

I want to encourage those who know this and have people around you that try to tear down your belief by telling you, “IF this or that wouldn’t have happened, you couldn’t do this”. Do not listen to them. They can’t fathom always finding a way after road blocks are placed in front of them. This is the opposite of the entrepreneur spirit they can’t understand.

I want to encourage those who think they need the same kind of breaks another got to succeed. There are so many ways to succeed. It is so narrow minded to believe success only comes one way. You have to make your way. If you get help (an investor, a mentor, an opportunity), Great! Thank God for that. But if you don’t, don’t use it as an excuse. You can STILL succeed. The way is there! Don’t stop thinking!

I get asked all the time, “well what if this wouldn’t have happened, what would you have done?” I say, why slap God in the face for the breaks he gives you? If he wouldn’t have done one thing, he would have done another. If I hadn’t of had one break, I would have gotten another. There is a saying, “The harder I work, the luckier I get.”

I made $25,000 off an opportunity on the internet last year. When I was looking for opportunities and putting myself out there, networking, socializing, looking for my “Break”, people told me I was wasting my time.
Then, when I found an opportunity and made $25,000 off of it, they said, “Well, if you wouldn’t have met that guy who helped you by presenting the opportunity…”. See? Totally dismissing MY part in searching and believing there is an opportunity out there to begin with.

I made over $10,000 several years ago simply buying Windows XP off the internet for, and reselling it to a company who did not know where to get it so cheap. They priced it from where they knew to get it, and had to upgrade over 25 PC’s. The price they found it at was twice as much, so they were happy to get it for half price, and I made money off it. Everyone is happy. As I tried to explain to someone there are always ways to make money, you know what they said? “You wouldn’t have made that money if you wouldn’t have found a company that needed to upgrade all those PC’s.” See how no matter what you do, some people will always take away from you by telling you you couldn’t have done it if it weren’t for some “Break”, and they can’t because they don’t get “Breaks”.

If people want to help me, maybe it is because of who I am. A person who is searching and working for opportunities. All the credit does not go to the one who “gave” me a break. The break wouldn’t have come if it weren’t for me doing something that would make someone want to give it to me.

I will never forget those who gave me a “Break”, but I will also not allow them to take away from my part in “lucking” into that break. I did not NEED them. I am a positive, can do ANYTHING PERSON. THAT, tends to create “breaks”, and attract people who want to help me succeed. That is also a talent.

No one can do it alone. NO ONE! God created us social creatures for a reason. He wants us to work together, to need each other, and to help each other.

I will someday be in position to help someone financially one day, and I will help someone who is deserving of a “Break”, and it won’t be by luck that I chose them to give the “Break” to. Until then, I hope I can give them a “Break” by encouraging them that they can do ANYTHING they set their hearts and minds too.

There is my rant for the day.

-Denver aka: Denversings


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